
Revolution! Politics! Religion!

“Soon after I published the pamphlet COMMON SENSE, in America, I saw the exceedingly probability that a revolution in the system of government would be followed by a revolution in the system of religion! The adulterous connection of the church and state, wherever it had taken place, whether Jewish, Christian, Turkish (Islam) had so effectively prohibited, by pains and penalties, every discussion upon established creeds, and upon the first principles of religion, that until the system of government should be changed, those subjects could not be fairly and openly before the world; but that whenever this should be done, a revolution in the system would follow.” Thomas Paine , Age of Reason, Page 51, American Revolutionary War Hero. Commentary: Thomas Paine was an American hero! He also was a Deist and rejected Christ in some of his writings! However he did say some good things but here at least in some part he got it backwards! We have the advantage of history to look back where he did not! The spiritual revolution is what came first not a political revolution to America! The spiritual revolution began in England and the Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1602. Long before 1776! The church and state were wedded together in England causing persecution of Christians! So they fled to America! The church in England was a State controlled church! So how has the church in America become a State controlled church? Through the Democrat installed Lyndon Johnson Senator from Texas then about 60 years ago 501c Tax exemption for religious organizations which shut them up on any political debates! The pastor’s across America got their voices muted! Freedom of Speech removed for money! So what happened in 21st Century America? Because the church was complicit with the State we have a repeat of 15th Century Europe here in America but this time it is a political revolution! Not a spiritual one! Donald Trump entered in stage right in 2016! The vacuum left by the church was filled by the political revolution! Trump did not create the revolution the church created the political revolution! If the church does not change then the revolution will continue! This revolution is a response to our voices being blocked by social media companies! Corruption in government! Open borders! Americans last and foreigners first! Biblical orthodoxy mocked! The church silent on Biblical values promoted in government! The list goes on! Sadly the peoples house has to have a wall now to protect the political leaders from the people while our walls on the southern border are being torn down and our protections removed! Sanctuary cities! Open borders! Anti-law enforcement! The list again goes on! If you do not understand what is going on in America it is because we are in the midst of a Revolution! From the bottom up and from the top down! Once a revolution begins we never know where it will end up? Did you ever try to purchase a gun lately or ammunition for your weapon? Not available! Sold out and orders backlogged for months! Pray for America as the assault on her comes from all sides! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Darwinism plus Islam Equals Death! Genesis 1:27

Truth in reverse is still truth and a lie in reverse or forward is still a lie! The Theory of Evolution propagated by Charles Darwin is responsible for the bloodiest Century the 20th Century in world history! The leaders of the Axis Powers of WWII were all Darwinists and good disciples of Darwin! Survival of the fittest! Tribalism and racial wars plagued the Century! Islam armies joined Hitler and the axis powers across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa! Marx and Lenin were also Darwinists! But Darwin has new disciples now that it has been taught in our public schools over the past 60 years! The political left here in America are Darwinists where abortion like the final solution of Hitler is no problem for them! Now the forces of Islam are being wed together with the Darwinists of the political left where the monkeys evolved to men will mate with the religion that justifies murder! Where will this end up? So why should we be surprised if a monkey can evolve into a man why not a man evolve into a woman and a woman evolve into a man? Just to prove their point they will take tax dollars to do sex change surgeries on our children! Democracy demands a choice yet Putin killing his competition is that any different from what the Democrats are trying to do to Trump? Socialism is a result of Darwinism! Then Communism! No choices but produces the Dictators of Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba and the list goes on! Do we want a one party rule in America? A dictatorship? When Christ is removed from any culture darkness and death moves in! Destruction grows and freedom is replaced with tyranny! Trump a candidate for President says if they go after me and succeed then you are next! In Nazi Germany first they came after the Saturday people and then the Sunday people! Elections matter and the past 4 years with Biden has been a disaster for America and the world! God Bless America and her people who still honor Christ as their Savior not Darwin or Islam! In Christ’s Love! James & Hamsa WhoisGod.de

Earthquakes! Redemption or Judgment?

In your Bible there are about 15 scriptures on earthquakes in the Old and New Testaments. What is interesting about these scriptures is in some God brought redemption and to some he brought judgment! Another example is water and the flood in the days of Noah! Noah and his family were saved by the water and the rest of the world was drowned by the same water! Moses and 2 million Jews were saved by water at the Red Sea yet Pharoah and his army was drowned by the same water! Paul and Silas were awaiting execution in a Roman prison and an earthquake broke the prison foundation and the gates fell off their hinges! Peter was saved in a prison the same way! The Cross brought death to Jesus and the two thieves yet it brought the resurrection from the dead for Jesus and the rest of the human race! Some to the resurrection to life and some to judgment depending on what they did with Jesus! Jesus at the Cross there was an earthquake renting the Holy of Holy curtain in two in the Jewish Temple signifying salvation and access to God is now available to all! An earthquake shook Jesus tomb and broke the seal on his grave and then the angel rolled the stone away! At the Cross some graves were opened up by the earthquake and they came alive from the dead! Our redemption was purchased by the blood of Jesus for we cannot save ourselves! Our salvation comes from outside of our selves! If we oppose redemption then we oppose God the creator of all things including our gender! He made you to save you! Grace is God doing for you what you cannot do for yourself! To end up on the wrong side of God is to end up on the wrong side of an earthquake! No one wins that one! God Bless! James & Hamsa WhoisGod.UK

Last Days? Genesis 49:10

When Joseph spoke to his sons about the last days what did he mean? The Hebrew word for “last” is like a man rowing a boat and backing into the future. History repeats itself! Jesus said he is the same yesterday, today and forever! The Hebrew word “days” is a period of time where light shines into the darkness! Like the birth, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ! His second coming and the rapture of the church will also be points of light! The world remains in darkness because they persecute Christians and Jews and reject their Messiah! Political and religious ideologies that reject Christ turn the world into death and destruction! Abortion, transgender and homosexual movements celebrate death instead of life! Do not bite the hand that feeds you! God is your creator of life and to reject him is to replace him with death! Paganism is nothing new to the earth but a new thing to 21st Century America reaping destruction to our culture and nation! Jesus is the light of the world and the cure to sin and wickedness that destroys any nation! At Jesus second coming he will return to Israel and the forces of evil that try to destroy Israel so Jesus has no place to return to will not succeed! God will win this war against him and his Christ so who will you follow? Him or the losers? James & Hamsa IsGodReal.in

Good Friday! Better Sunday! Genesis 49:10

“The Septre shall not depart from Judah, nor the lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.” Commentary: The word Shiloh in the Hebrew means the epithet or the expression of the Messiah! Jesus birth, death, burial and resurrection from the dead was the expression of his Messiahship! Jesus drew crowds! Jesus said we must be born again! Die to self and live for Christ! Since Easter the church has gathered together to worship our Messiah! The incarnation of Christ is the best news as God became one of us! Without sin yet paid for our sin! Any culture is always more secure when we worship someone greater than ourselves! We join with Christians from every nation celebrating the only real hope man has for his future! Without Christ there is no future for no government can conquer death but God himself creator of all life here on earth! Jesus will return one day back to earth for his own and will bring the church in heaven with him! Happy Easter! James & Hamsa Sasse. IsGodReal.in

Web Site Traffic February 2024

Total Visitors: 11297. Top 5 Country Traffic: China, USA, Canada, Russia, Australia. Top MP3 Download Language: Azerbaijani Language. Thankyou for prayers and support! James & Hamsa WhoisGod.eu

One Taken! One Left! Matthew 24:40

What is Jesus saying here? Two in the field one taken the other left! Two grinding at the mill one taken one left! Remember the two thieves on the Cross with Jesus? One thief repented of his sin and Jesus told him this day you will be with me in paradise! The other thief rejected Christ and mocked him and was left behind! Jesus will never abandon those who trust him with their redemption! Those that reject him by choice will be left to their own devices separated from God forever! Do not gamble your eternity away trusting in yourself! Today the population of the earth is one third Christian! If the rapture were to come today one would be taken and two would be left! This is why it is imperative that we spread the Gospel around the earth as Jesus has commanded us to do! If you have no passion for spreading the Gospel everywhere you go and into all the world then we have to determine what is the cause of our cold heart towards God and man? Could it be you have not been born again as Jesus requires of us? A religious spirit still with you on the throne? Jesus said the two greatest commandments is to love God and man! Today are you at that place? Or is it all about you! Self on the throne? Repent as the thief did and prepare to receive the paradise God has promised you! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.nl

7 Signs World is Coming to an End!

1. Joe Biden becomes president! 2. Kamal Harris appears in the Rose Garden naked riding a red horse declaring the Apocalypse has begun. 3. More Dead Sea scrolls are found declaring Joe not John wrote the Book of Revelation. 4. Biden makes Jimmy Carter look good! 5. Mass prayers offered by Americans for the Lord to take them home to heaven before Biden makes another screw up!. 6. Biden deports American citizens to make room for illegals! 7. Jesus cancels his second coming because not even he can fix what Biden has done to the world!

Jew Haters!

Israel is a small country only a few miles long and wide! Total population is only 8 million people! So why does the world focus their hatred on such a small group of people? I could understand if it were Nazi Germany or Imperialist Japan during WWII conquering nations and enslaving people. Israel shows no aggression toward anyone but wants to live in peace! My Bible says salvation to all men has come through the Jew! Jesus was a Jew along with his disciples and our Bible is really a Jewish Book! So how could the church hate the Jews? Worse yet how could a Jew hate the Jews? Yet they conspired with the Romans to crucify him! The spiritual condition of man predicts their attitudes towards the Jews! Particularly Jesus Christ! The fallen nature of man wars against God their creator and the Jews! Even the Anti-Christ the one world leader in the 7 year tribulation period future in history will be a Jew! He will not serve the God of his Father’s! He will have no natural affection for women promoting abortion and homosexuality! He will even deceive the Jews in Israel and set up his world headquarters in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem and then turn on them and declare he is God! Sadly the Biden administration with the policies of appeasing Iran and China has unleashed billions of dollars to them funding their proxy wars against Israel and the West! Blinken and Garland are unleashing terrorism against Jews abroad and at home here in America! So which Jew are you following? Jesus or the Anti-Christ? If you love Jesus you love the Jews! If you hate Jesus you hated the Jews even if you are a Jew! Jesus said you must be born again! Your old nature replaced with the Spirit of God! For God so loved the world that he gave his only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him will have everlasting life! There is only one Jew the God/Man Christ who can deliver you from the death nature that lives in every man! Jesus at his second coming will go to Jerusalem and defeat the Anti-Christ and his followers at the end of the 7 year tribulation period to reign over the earth for a thousand years! He will raise the dead some to everlasting life and some to eternal judgment! Where will you be at this time? Which camp will you be in? The camp you are in now today! Saved or lost depending on what you will do with Christ! Accept him of reject him! Choose heaven today or default to hell! The choice is yours to make! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.eu

Ask Not What a Democrat Can Do for You?

Ask a Democrat not to do anything for your country! What have Biden and the Democrats screwed up? The border with 8 plus million illegals flooding into our communities putting every American citizen at risk! An economy with high inflation and interest rates lowering the living standard for most Americans! Two wars one in Europe and the Middle East killing and injuring American troops! Encouraging our enemies and frustrating our Allies! Political people in charge of our nation that hate America! What else can they screw up? Sex! I never thought in my wildest dreams they could screw up sex but they have! Promoting homosexuals, transgenders and even paying with our tax dollars to mutilate the God given sex of our children! Hating Jews at home and abroad with violence and death! Trump should be an easy choice for 2024 unless you want more of the same? You can charge a ham sandwich with a crime but that does not make the sandwich guilty! We cannot have spiritual freedom unless we have a political system that allows for that expression! This is what 1776 was all about! Establishing a political system that would allow the free expression of our faith! Trump is hated on the left and some on the right because he promotes our Constitutional freedom with the Bill of Rights opposing the cultural cancel culture of the left! Trump will return power to the people and not the denial of rights promoted by the left! Putin is running for election in Russia! All his political rivals were disqualified and he is the only one running for election! Cancel Trump? Is this what we want for America? The deep State denying the voice of the people? If our foundations are broken down what can the righteous do? God Bless America! Amen! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.de

Are You His Inheritance? Exodus 34:9

“And Moses said, If now I have found grace in thy sight, O’ Lord, let my Lord, I pray thee, go among us; for it is a stiff necked people, and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and make us thine inheritance.” Commentary: Inheritance means to take ownership of something! It is not earned but in relationship to someone. Did you ever inherit a pile of junk? Grandpa left you his 25 yeqr old Ford truck with the fenders fallen off and a pile of rust! Grandma left you her old sewing machine. Makes you wonder if they really loved you? What they were living with is what they left you! It does not men they did not love you but gave you what they had! If they gave you love then that is more than all the riches of this world! When Moses asked God to make us your inheritance he knew he did not want to insult God! He asked God to pardon our sin and clean us up! Clean the fish before you fry them! Moses asked God if we have found grace with you then! Grace is God doing for you what you cannot do for yourself! Save us O’ Lord! God has taken Israel over the centuries as his own protecting them and guarding them! Why? Out of Zion shall come a deliverer! Moses for the Jews and Christ for the Gentiles! He has prepared a people for himself! His preparation is his plan for your life! That is what his love is all about! Jesus said I have gone to prepare a place for you! If it were not true I would have said so! Satan has come to steal and destroy your inheritance! He tries to trick you into missing your inheritance! You are God’s inheritance but he wants you to doubt and reject the Savior with his lies about God! He wants you to reject his love for you! Not all the Jews made it to the promise land! They refused to make themselves God’s own inheritance! They would not believe the promises of God to them? Stranger than fiction! Do you believe God wants to make you his own? That is what his love is all about! Why not love him back and receive the love he has left for you on that Old Cross? He has already owned you now just own him back! Receive him as your Savior! James & Hamsa Sasse. WhoisGod.de